Industrial Solutions
#Biofuels #Circular Economy #Power Generation

Get in touch with:
Tresoil Biofuels SRL
Founded by Roger Preston in Romania Tresoil Biofuels SRL “Waste to Energy” as a business model. The TRESOILPower2X complex project; is a REPowerEU, Green Deal Distributed Industrial Plan for the Net-Zero Age.
Roger Preston vision promise is to propel the Europe’s burgeoning hydrogen economy whilst purging the EU of the scourge of non-recyclable plastic, end-of-life tires and toxic waste; producing Clean Hydrogen (H2) and green ammonia (NH3) in the EU Regions. Environmentally friendly hydrogen and Ammonia are billed as the ideal alternative to fossil fuels.
Mission: “Mitigate air pollution and eradicate unrecyclable plastics, and toxic waste”, to accelerate the development of a circular and net-zero carbon economy in Europe.
Vision: “Produce an emission free transport/industry fuel, stop sending waste to landfill; turn waste into revenue. Predictable, on-demand hydrogen-based power storage, truly renewable, carbon-negative hydrogen and Ammonia fuel used as energy vector.
Contact Details
Roger Preston